Back in October 2021, I joined World Cancer Research Fund as a part-time creative designer
2023 Rebrand
At WCRF I helped implement the 2023 rebrand in which a complete overhaul of the brand and messaging was undertaken with new illustrations, fonts, and messaging matrix. I redesigned all the templates and updated the illustration assets library ready for the rollout.

Social Shares

Eat Move Learn
Eat Move Learn is the child-friendly part of the WCRF website, here I got the fun task of designing things like recipe sheets for kids to cook from, and activity PDFs to keep the younger audience active and healthy.

Alfresco Cookbook
WCRF UK regularly publishes cookbooks as free resources to provide people with accessible, affordable, healthy recipes to work towards a preventive cancer lifestyle.
One of my key projects at the organisation was to work on the super wholesome, summer cookbook called - Alfresco Dining, centered around healthy picnic food and released in line with the Queen's Jubilee.

Christmas Quiz
One of the first projects I worked on when joining WCRF was creating a digital downloadable Christmas quiz to help raise donations. I used editorial layout design to create a fun but accessible looking quiz with some friendly motion graphic social shares to go with it.

Cancer Prevention Action Week
As part of cancer prevention action week, WCRF ran a campaign focussed on the nutritious affordable dry foods called cupboard heroes! As part of this campaign we developed a huge array of assets including a campaign stop motion video, some posters in particular the Whats in Store Poster below I designed.

Mothers day video
Lottery Fundraising
Here is a project I worked with the fundraising team on to create some website and social ad graphics for the relaunch of the WCRF UK Lottery fund. The aim was to appeal to a younger audience and drive awareness of the relaunch.